Helping people navigate the complexities of leadership.


As an experienced educator of over forty years, Jane has extensive management and leadership skills. Her proven record of building the leadership capacity of others demonstrates her skills in coaching and mentoring professionals to reach their full potential.

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Inspired by Gandhi, this lesson underpins her willingness and desire to make a difference and to help others see themselves and their teams leading with true purpose, vision, and values.


 “Coaching leaders to build their capacity for authentic and purposeful leadership”


To be the change means to want, choose, and commit your actions to do the right thing.


In order to do something, you have to want it.


Change starts with a single step.




Jane provides coaching and mentoring programs which strengthen individual leaders and teams through focussed skills development, coaching, mentoring, and tailored learning programs and support.


What’s on offer?


Jane’s programs are customised to meet clients’ needs and can include: individual executive coaching, 360 degree feedback interpretation, career planning and development, recruitment and selection assistance, professional companioning, work-life balance, women in leadership.


How are programs delivered?


These programs can be conducted face to face, by phone, or workshop delivery and can be designed for specific needs of aspiring, middle, and experienced leaders.




Wisdom from others. For many years I have used quotes as a source of positive thinking and taking action. Let me share with you some inspirations which have helped remind me of what is really important.


“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

— Lao Tzu

This quote is a great example of transformational leadership. The philosopher, Lao Tzu, sees the leader as part of every aspect of the work. They inspire others to take charge and work hard without being overbearing, so they feel as if they did it themselves.



“The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.”

— Warren Bennis

“Management is about arranging and telling. Leadership is about nurturing and enhancing.”

— Tom Peters

Leadership and management gurus, Bennis and Peters, both make the distinction between management and leadership as two differing and complementary disciplines. One is more about systems, the other about people. Together they are unstoppable.



Lean In author Sheryl Sandberg helps us to understand that perfection is not possible in the real world, and people don’t respond to perfection anyways. They follow authentic leaders who inspire, and inspiration is something contagious, not unattainable.

“True leadership stems from individuality that is honest and sometimes imperfectly expressed… Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.”

— Sheryl Sandberg



While most of us are not likely to face the moral and ethical issues that Martin Luther King Jr faced in his battles for civil rights, the sentiment he shares is relatable. You don’t judge a leader when things are running smoothly. Anyone can lead when things are running like clockwork; it’s when problems arise that the real leaders show themselves.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

— Martin Luther King Jr


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